Friday, July 28, 2017

Take a Peek at Our Week - Basic #1 - W1: Under the Sea

On the first day of school children explored sea animals. They learn the sentence frames “what do you se” and “I see a blank”. The blank is for the ocean animals children were learning about. For example, I would point to pictures of the animals and they children would say “I see an octopus”, “I see a jellyfish”,  “I see a shark” and to corresponding animals. They continue to explore sea animals by tracing sea animals and also writing the sentence frame “I see a----"
サマースクール初日の今日は、海の動物について学びました。こどもたちは「What do you see?(何が見えますか?)」と「I see a 〇〇.(〇〇が見えます)」というフレーズを学びました。〇〇の部分には、こどもたちが学んだ海の生き物の名前が入ります。例えば、私が海の動物の絵を指さしたら、こどもたちが「I see an octopus.(タコが見えます)」「I see an jellyfish.(クラゲが見えます)」「I see a shark.(サメが見えます)」といった風に、指さした動物に応じて答えます。こどもたちは海の動物をなぞったり、「I see a -----.」のフレーズを書いたりして、海の動物について学びました。

On Tuesday children listen to the story the rainbow fish and even created their own rainbow fish. Children really enjoyed creating a wonderful magical sea creature out of tinfoil paper and glitter stickers. Especially thought it was interesting when they painted their fish with Q-tips rather than brushes.

On Wednesday children explore the concepts of small medium and big with our song baby shark classroom favorite. During the song we did hand motions small motions for baby shark medium motion for mama shark big motions for daddy shirt. Once they were done they were able to feed the shark family different size fish. Baby shark ate small fish mama shark a medium fish and daddy shark ate Big Fish.

On Thursday children created their own jellyfish out of tissue paper contact paper and paper tape. Once we were done explored how jellyfish moved by dancing with their jellyfish creations to soft music.

On Friday children traded their own seafood scenery out of yogurt and goldfish and graham crackers. They later munch on popcorn and chips and watch the movie Ponyo with the rest of the students of our school!