Friday, July 28, 2017

Take a Peek at Our Week - Sports - W1: Under the Sea

Hello Everyone,

We finished the first week of summer school with lots of fun activities. This week`s theme was Under the Sea. Let’s have a look at what we did throughout the week.

たくさんの楽しいアクティビティでいっぱいのサマースクール第一週目が終わりました。今週のテーマは「Under the Sea(海の中の世界)」でした。今週一週間でやってきたことを振り返ってみましょう!

Basically, we had 7 different sessions with full of actively-participated games and tasks. Kids were engaged in various activities. The sessions were based on such: 

Sports Time / スポーツの時間: 
English - Sports class is full of activities that develop kids` gross motor skills. 


Language Arts / 英語の時間: 
We had various theme-related activities that aimed to develop students` speaking and listening abilities. 

今週のテーマに関連したアクティビティを行いました。このアクティビティでは、speaking(話す)ことと listening(聞く)ことに重点を置きました。

Pool Time / プールタイム:  
Enjoying the nice view around the school, kids had lots of fun with playing water in the pool. 


Cooking クッキング: 
It was fun to create different sea animals with fruits, toppings and ice cream.


Show and Tell :  
We enjoyed listening to different stories about the belongings our friends brought to class. 


Movie Time / ムービータイム: 
All of the classes in summer school had fun to spend their movie time together. Popcorn was yum, too! J


We are looking forward to seeing you next week!! 
Let`s figure out the farm life altogether!! ;)  
来週は farm life(牧場の生活)について、新しい発見をしていきましょうね♪